Mike and I went to the RV show on Thursday in Kansas City. It wasn't as big as we had hoped and not all brands of 5th wheels were there. But several of the major brands were there and we were able to climb in and out of 25 to 30 5th wheels.
It was very helpful for us to go and do this even though we're planning on buying used. We got a feel for quality - and just as importantly - what ones Mike wouldn't be comfortable in. Very helpful when we're looking at ads for used ones. We won't be wasting our time going to see ones that he can't live in. Some of them looked huge on the outside but were actually low on the inside - a few of them he could not even walk into the bedroom without putting his head down flat on his shoulder. We moved on.
We both fell in love with the Montana 3400RL (RL stands for Rear Living room). Not only was the main part set up very invitingly and the kitchen had plenty of cupboards/counter space but when you went up the steps to the bedroom area, Mike could still stand straight up without his hair brushing the ceiling. That was amazing!
The trick is going to be finding an older - but in good shape - Montana in our price range. I've seen a few listed around the country that were bank repos in our price range. Most of them needed minor work - like new carpeting or something. We could handle that. Of course, they've already sold but it gives me hope that we'll find something eventually. Just have to get our big ticket items sold and have patience that the right deal will come along.
We joined Good Sam (an RV club) at a discount while we were there. It's a great organization and membership gives you lots of perks and discounts - like 25% to 50% off at participating campgrounds. Huge help!
Because Verizon was there and offering special deals, we got our cell phone with an unlimited usage plan. Also, we solved our Internet problem while we were at the Verizon booth. They have what they call a Hot Spot Mifi unit. It's basically just a little black box that, once you've programmed it, can sit anywhere in the RV or truck and our Wifi laptops can access the Internet. It can be used by up to 9 wireless units. Hoping to get it set up tomorrow to see if we really like it. If not, we can return it during the first 14 days. Got a deal on it too - much, much, much cheaper than buying a satellite dish and service for the RV which is what we were afraid we'd have to do.
The Hot Spot will also come in handy in Florida while we're there in March. Wasn't sure how we were going to handle that because we wanted to be able to get online consistently without having to run to Mickey D's or a coffee shop for access and leave Mike's parents alone while we were 'working'. Nor did we want to pay for installation on regular cable Internet for only 1 month. This should solve our problem.
After 5-1/2 hours of walking around on concrete floors and climbing in and out of all those 5th wheels, both our backs had had it. Rather than spending the night at friends as we had planned, we got in the car and headed home to our own comfy bed. We stopped just south of Kansas City for a late dinner. Mike and I were talking as we pulled into the parking lot and I really wasn't paying attention to my surroundings until I got out of the car. There, right in front of me, was a pile of plowed snow about 4' high that the wind had blown enough that it looked like a snow drift. We've had maybe 3" or snow all Winter (and not all at once) so I just stood there mesmerized! You see, I LOVE snow! I love cold Winter days with the snow coming down and the wind blowing. Love sitting by a wood stove sipping tea or coffee and watching all that going on outside. And I love being out in the snow. If I hadn't been in so much pain from the concrete floor, I'd have dropped and rolled in that snow without a second thought. I wouldn't have even cared what onlookers thought. Can you tell I'm not a 'southern' gal? LOL
The weather here in SW MO has been really warm the last 2 days. Upper 60s and low 70s both days. Because it was so warm, we've had the windows and doors open in the house and heat turned off. We also, finally, got the stenciled business lettering off of our truck while enjoying the sunshine. What a difference!
But....There's hope in the air. The weather report says we've got a 90% chance of sleet and snow Monday night through Tuesday. I'll believe it when I see it but it's nice to have hope. :) Tuesday should be a good day to make my 'comfort food' turkey soup. Yum! Think I'll post the recipe.
Had an inquiry about the piano but the deal fell through. Disappointing but will keep trying. Took it out of the local Craigslist and put it in the next closest city Craigslist (that's where I finally got an inquiry). If I haven't gotten any more inquiries be the middle of next week, I think I'll pull it again and put it up in Kansas City's Craigslist. It's less than 2-1/2 hours from here and has a much larger reader base. I've also got it listed on Musicians Buy Line and have had 1 response from there. Eventually.
Til next time,
Gloria - The Internet GADabout
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