The Fleece Alli Picked
Nearby I found the perfect fleece for the 4 year old 'adopted' granddaughter. Happily, both pieces were on sale for 50% off. My kind of deal!
The Fleece I Picked for Lauren
Alli then asked if I would please teach her to knit. Off we went to the yarn section. Took us a few minutes to find the right yarn because she picked out her needles first and none other would do! Color in needles is very important, don't you know?
Paid for our purchases then went to Jake's Hamburgers in Mystic, CT for supper. Yummy, old-fashioned hamburgers, excellent fries and onion rings. Alli had been there before but it was a first for me. Highly recommend the place!
From there we went to a park near her home and started knitting. She picked it up really quickly and did several rows, getting faster all the time with few mistakes. After leaving the park and getting some ice cream, we headed back to her house. She plopped herself on the couch and kept on knitting. I was very pleased to see how much fun she was having with it. In fact, she asked if on our next outing, could she just come to my 'house' and sit and knit with me? A girl after my own heart!
The rest of the family was just sitting down to eat when we got there. 6 year old Talia, who I had taken out last week, kept eyeing Alli's activities while she ate her dinner. Finally, she came over to me and wanted to know if I would teach her to knit, too. Guess I'll be making another trip to buy yarn and needles.
Looking forward to beginning travels again in a month (we'll be leaving New England) but am sure going to miss those girls! Skype is wonderful but not the same as being here.
Now that I have the fleece for all 4 girls, I need to get busy the next couple of days and get all the blankets edged and the tote bags made. Fun, fun!
Til Next time,
Gloria - The Internet GADabout
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